When you apply for a home loan, it is vital that you plan your finances well so that you can manage the repayment. You must ensure that you have sufficient resources to repay the EMI (equated monthly instalment) on time every month till the end of loan term. If you fail to repay even a single EMI or delay the payment even by a single day, it could have a significant impact on your financial credibility and you may lose valuable points on your credit score. So, how to manage EMI payment on time? The following tips can help you. Borrow responsibly One of the most effective ways to manage home loan EMI payments on time is to borrow responsibly. You must use an online EMI calculator to determine the exact EMI payable for the amount you want to borrow. If the EMI is high and does not f
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Choosing the right investment product among many options can often become a daunting task. However, you can simplify this task by considering some important factors before zeroing on to the right product. In a fast-growing economy like India, the market is flooded with different investment opportunities. Unfortunately, while many of these investments can help you to meet your financial goals, some of them can prove to be a disappointment for your investment portfolio. Therefore, it is important to determine your financial goals and objectives before embarking on your portfolio building journey. Once you are clear about the returns you want from your investments, you are all set to identify the right investment product. Factors to Consider Before Choosing an Investment Product A
Read MoreIn simple words, machine maintenance means looking after the machine and taking care of it. There are several problems which the machine maintenance technician of production companies identify and correct those problems in the machine. Some of the common problem faced by the machine technicians of various companies is failure, wear, tear and damage in the machine, while servicing. And the maintenance technician of different production companies correct these problems. Several maintenance technicians of various production companies are there who do the servicing and repair of several defective machine system or malfunction in the appliances, including inspection, especially those that are damage dependent. And here they use different method and maintenance strategies when they are doing
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